Thank you Pinterest for this cute idea. Taken from the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom each child decorated the initial of their first name, then on a name card wrote their name. The result a unique array of letters falling from the coconut tree!!!
I Work for Kids
A Blog for fellow Parents and Early Childhood Professionals. The purpose of this site is to share and collaborate with one another. We all work hard to make life fulfilling for children, and the more we share with one another the better we can be!
Friday, January 24, 2014
Thursday, January 23, 2014
CAUTION! Twins at play!: Light table exploration
Check out this awesome blog and how light tables can be a valuable source of curriculum CAUTION! Twins at play!: Light table exploration: Here's what's been on the light table lately!! Feel free to email or comment with questions! glass gems, chopsticks, and a babyf...
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
let the children play: Mirror, mirror on the Wall
let the children play: Mirror, mirror on the Wall: I've been enamoured of late with the idea of mirrors in the outdoor play space. Not only do young children find mirrors engagin...
Exploring the Outdoor Classroom: Strengthening Academics Through Play
Exploring the Outdoor Classroom: Strengthening Academics Through Play: Strengthening Academics Through Play As parents search for the ‘perfect’ preschool for their young child, they are often fac...
I'm a little late on this post. This took place back when Fall started, nevertheless I feel it is blog worthy. This was a huge hit in our room. We took the kids on a nature walk to look for foliage. While outside looking for leaves and such we sat the kids down and read the story "Leaf Man" By Lois Ehlert. Then we sent home card stock and the foliage they found and asked them to bring back their idea of "Leaf Man". What came back was an awesome array of Nature Displays. Each child shared with the class and names their picture. I cannot say enough of this project.
Ice, and Science
This was a fun activity in our Pre-K room. We froze Artic animals in ice an added blue water color. When we put this activity out we also included a cup of water and droppers. The only way the kids could free the animals was to squirt water onto the ice. It was interesting to see who had patience to stick with the activity and who gave up quickly. Those who stuck around not only got to free the animals but they got to see weather erosion in action. As they squirted the water onto the ice am eroded pathway developed, very similar to how are rivers and creeks are developed. I asked the question "why do you think water is melting the ice?" To my surprise they had the right answers. I received answers such as "because it is not as cold as the ice", "because it is water and it is warm." They got it. This activity include these following areas; science (solid to a liquid, cold, erosion), fine motor (squeezing the droppers), social/emotional (problem solving between children on where to squirt water, and how to get animals free).
Saturday, June 1, 2013
I thought since I have been MIA for a while I would jump right back in with what could be in the Early Childhood field considered controversial. But we all have different outlooks and philosophies and I respect that, but here is my reasons.
The pictures below are such wonderful examples of how children's art and their creations are so much more magnificent than a teacher initiated, cookie cutter craft that has a "right way" and a "wrong way" of doing things. I don't believe crafts have value for children. I feel that by telling a child "the eyes go here, and the nose goes here" it pretty much has no personal meaning for the child. I ask you what is the purpose? So any teachers display mounds of crafts on their bulletin boards, but each one looks the same. It does not show the child's unique creativity. It also expresses to a child that there is a right way and a wrong way to do art. Art should be their own, it should be unique and an expression of what a child is thinking.
The pictures below are after a series on Space in our classroom. We talked about galaxies, we brainstormed, we researched, and we read books on galaxies. Without showing the children examples of how their art should look, they each created such wonderful expressions of galaxies. The materials were black construction paper, tempera powder, and a squirt bottle with water. Each child chose their colors scooped it on the paper, then squirted with water. The result was absolutely beautiful, and not one single galaxy looked the same.
Friday, February 15, 2013
I am currently teaching in a pre-k classroom and the age old question I have gotten for years is "how can I get my child ready for kindergarten?" Parents are anxious, concerned and even paranoid that their child may not make it into kindergarten, as if it were a college entrance exam. I want to say to all those who find themselves in this same boat, please please just relax. Parents sometimes think that if they practice writing, reading or other "academic like" activities that it will some how better their chance. Bottom line is are they developmentally ready? There is so much more that goes into determining "Kindergarten Readiness." Now I am not here to spew child development theory or research, what I am here to do is offer some simple fun ideas for you to do with your child which will help prepare them for kindergarten, hence the word "help", there are no guarantees. Children develop at different rates. Anywho.......
Sorting candy hearts using a grip/tweezers. This helps strengthen the hand muscles which will later help form the pincer grasp which is needed to hold a pencil properly.
You can use tongs, tweezers, or chop-sticks (kid ones that is)
Peeling stickers is an excellent way to improve fine motor skills, which are needed to develop writing skills. What kid doesnt like to stick stickers on stuff.
Building with blocks seems to most just another form of play. But in actuality it is teaching a child spatial awareness, measurement, balance, accuracy, problem solving, creativity, shapes, and much much more, And you thought it was just play.....
Sorting candy hearts using a grip/tweezers. This helps strengthen the hand muscles which will later help form the pincer grasp which is needed to hold a pencil properly.
You can use tongs, tweezers, or chop-sticks (kid ones that is)
Free writing/coloring.
By giving children opportunities to freely draw without the use of a ditto-page or a work sheet, you are giving them the opportunity to; strengthen those muscles, freely pre-think and plan what they will put down on paper, and it encourages creativity. When something is created by a child for the child they will put more effort, detail and care into their work. It may look like scribbles at first but as time goes on you will notice their drawings will become much more intentional, meaningful and most of all recognizable.
Building with blocks seems to most just another form of play. But in actuality it is teaching a child spatial awareness, measurement, balance, accuracy, problem solving, creativity, shapes, and much much more, And you thought it was just play.....
Pretend Play. In Preschool it is referred to as Dramatic play. This is so important for children to participate in because it allows for them to cooperatively play with other children. In doing this they must come together, agree on what they are going to play, and then cooperatively act out this idea they have come up with. This form of play is vital believe it or not. If you don't believe me then google it! 
These are just a few examples of activities that are all part of contributing to the "Whole Child." Once children can somewhat master several of these skills then being kindergarten ready is right around the corner. Now you can breath a little better because all you have to do is let your child have fun!
After being out of the blogging scene for a while. I am back. Ive been through a job change, a move, the holidays. Now here I am back and ready to engage.
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